Monday, November 28, 2005

"Love is the place that you're drawn to.
Looking into space it surrounds you.
Love is that face that you're drawn to"

i've spent some time this morning searching some of my favorite stores websites for a white dress. i found one darling unattainable little number over at marc jabobs and another one on sale at anthropologie but dears... i think i'm going to ask my future mother in law to shorten my thrift store bought hippie dress. you know the one that i've always joked around about being my future wedding dress, yes that One. it'll go perfect with bare feet and lip gloss. as for what to do for "here comes the bride" i've come up with a stellar idea: i'll ask my favorite lyrist, now living in san diego, if he wouldn't mind strumming an ol' getair during the procession. maybe some lips, maybe something to take everyone wayyyy back. whatever i choose, if jonny v. takes up my plea, i know it'll be perfect. this is coming together just beautifully!

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