breathing, bright sun. penetrating, motivating a rush of blood to my toes. toes because the head is always rushing, blood or no blood; seeking for some movement, a supernatural error in divine order of the Laws. i've been waiting for spring for seven rainy disimal months and now the temptress is here! what shall i do today, and what shall i not?!? the bump limits, and rightly so- he is over seven months old
and as so is in the forfront of every thought, every decision, every movement, and me. i'll rock climb here soon enough, i'll go rafting next time around, i'll drink every person i know under the table after the breastfeeding is over. i'm going to be a mommy. a mommy. wow. i have these stoner moments all the time- my mind tripping, blowing, expanding at one single thought. flippin flip!!! i bought the new Lips albumn. my first purchase in toooo long. it's the Lips alright and that's about it. i'm glad i got it but i wish i would have waited to find that Delgado albumn instead. that is a gem. a real shiny one. my weekend consisted of a friday night out with my honey, an excuriatingly boring day at work, the iron chef, french toast at dolly vardens, yard work, fishing up in the high mountains, a downtown ice cream walk, and laundry. jon entertains me, fulfills me. but hot dog, my trip back home is nearly here!!! me and boo reunited. one day we will all live in san diego together and life will be that cherry up on top. (i have tried to upload seven other pictures, i hope this one does for now sweet des.)
how can i expect to actually deposit something here when i know being here means less time doing the things that must get the flippin laundry?!? that great vast heep of dirty clothes demanding i not only wash and dry them but fold each one of them One At A Time. now there is a million dollar idea: a way to do laundry without doing the laundry! see, i have an intense case of liking things to be as simple as possible, so much that one day i might just sport a wig instead of taking the time to dry and flat iron or curl or whatever to my hair. it just takes up too much time, time i would rather spend doing anything else but. plus, if little conrad is ever going to attend a prep school like i want him to jon and i gotsta step up to the luck plate and hit one out of the park. segwayi registered last night on for my nonexistant bridal shower so please if you wish to send my little tyke something i suggest you make your wishing a reality and go there immediately. i really would have liked to register at IKEA but the damn swedes aren't up to speed with such things. i still plan on getting the crib and changing table there; the price and look is just too right! we are also about to get a new couch which might not seem, to those whom have never seen this piece of junk, like news worthy of mention but OH it is. i mean, our couch is in such bad shape that i would be embarrassed to have the salvation army drive over and pick it up. seriously. the trip to texas is on and i'm so incredibly stoked!!!!! i'll be there for two weeks but am still unsure at if i will be able to spend some if any time in dallas. if so you will be able to find me at the allgood cafe stuffing my face; michelle has a few other restaurants she has discovered since my departure that i must experience, as well do we plan on hitting the nasher( oh! nasher at nights, jazz under the stars in a garden of art with martinis and i love those memories so!!!!!) , the aquarium, and buffalo exchange. it would be nice to see a few familar faces as well ;)road trip to corpus anyone?